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Bus Network Topology

In a bus topology, network Both ends must be terminated with a terminator. Barrel connector can be used to expand Them. The network consists of only one cable channel That uses a BNC cable. Computers that want to connect to the network to associate himself with mentap Ethernet over cable. Linear Bus: The layout of this include the general layout. The main cable connects each node, to a single channel to access a computer that ends with a tip. Each node is connected to two other nodes, except the engine at one end of the cable, each node is only connected to one another. This topology is often found on client / server system,

where one machine on the network functioned as a File Server, which means that the machine is devoted only to the distribution of data and is usually not used for processing information. Bus network installation is very simple, cheap and consist of a maximum of 5-7 computers. The difficulty often faced is the possibility of data collisions because the mechanism is relatively simple network and if one node is broken then it will interfere with the performance and traffic across the network.

Excellence is the development of a network bus topology or adding new workstations can be done easily without disrupting the other workstations. The weakness of this topology is that if there is interference along the center of the whole cable network will be susceptible to interference.
Linear bus topology is a topology widely used in the mushrooming use of Coaxial cable. By using the T-Connector (with 50ohm terminator on the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other. The main difficulty of using coaxial cables is difficult to measure whether the coaxial cable that is used is really matching or not. Because if not truly be measured correctly will damage the NIC (network interface card) that is used and the performance of the network to be blocked, did not reach maximum capacity. This topology is also frequently used in fiber optic network with a base which later merged with a star topology for connecting with a client or a node.

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