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Tree Network Topology

Here I will discuss about the Topology Tree. Tree Network Topology Network topology is also called multilevel network topology. This topology is usually used for interconnection between different central denganhirarki. For the lower hierarchy depicted in locations that are low and getting older has the higher hierarchy. This type of network topology suitable for use on a computer network system.

In tree networks, there are several levels of nodes (node). Central or higher level node, another node can set a lower level. Data sent to the central node first. For example to move from a computer with a node-3 node kekomputer-7 as well as in the figure, the data must pass through node-3, 5 and node-6 before ending in node-7. Keungguluan network tree model like this is, to the formation of a group that is required at all times. For example, companies can form a group consisting of terminal accounts, as well as on other groups formed to terminal sales. The drawback is, if the node is higher then does not work, then another group who are below it eventually also became ineffective. The workings of this tree network is relatively slow.

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