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Definition VSAT

Definition VSAT
VSAT, These words are not foreign to the ears of a network among experts, is singakatan of VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal is a great option for people who are in remote areas and in desperate need of internet connection where no other infrastructure such as ADSL, ISDN, etc.. even the telephone.

VSAT dish itself is shaped like a large-sized sanagt and directly facing the sky. With this equipment the digital signal is received and sent to the satellite. Satellite signal itself serves as a successor to be sent to another point on earth.
Topologi Star

VSAT dish is facing a geostationary satellite.

Satellite VSAT technology offers several advantages that are not owned by the terrestrial network. In terms of coverage, a GEO satellite (Geostasionary Earth Orbit) may include a third or 40% of the earth's surface.
In a VSAT system, the most useful topology is Star Topology.

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