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Defenition of Router

Defenition of Router
The router serves as a liaison between two or more networks to carry data from one network to another.
Different routers with switches, because the switch is connecting several devices to form a local area network (LAN). As an illustration of the different functions of routers and switches are the switches is a street, and the routers connecting muerpakan antarjalan. Each house beradda on the road which has an address in a particular order. in the same way, the switch connects a wide range of tools, each tool has its own IP address on a LAN.

Routers are widely used in network technology berbasi TCP / IP, routers of this type is called an IP router. in addition to the IP router, there is another AppleTalk router, and still there are several other types of routers. Interner is a prime example of a network that has a lot of routers. IP router can be used to connect many small networks into a larger network called the internetwork. Divide a large network into several subnetworks will improve performance and simplify manjamennya.

The router can also be used to connect a LAN to a telecommunications service, as well as leased telecom line or digital subscriber line (DSL). Routers are used to connect a LAN to a leased line connection, such as T1 or T3, commonly referred to as an access server. Meanwhile, the routers used to connect local network to a DSL connection is also called dengna DSL router. These types of routers generally have a firewall function to perform pneapisan packets based on source address and destination address of the package, some routers do not memilkikinya Meksi. Which possess features of screening routers called packets with packet-filtering routers.
router typically block traffic in broadcast data transmitted, thus preventing a broadcast storm which can slow network performance.

In general, a router is divided into two types as follows.
1.Static Router (router static), is a router that has a static routing table, set it manually by network administrators.
2.Dynamic Router (router dynamically), is a router that has the ability membiuat dynamic routing tables by listening to each other network traffic and berbhubungan with other routers.

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