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Definition of OSI Layers

OSI LAYER - Understanding the OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection) is a conceptual model consisting of seven layers, each layer has a different function.
OSI Layer counting starts from the top was the highest to the bottom,

7. Application is the highest layer of the OSI model, the layer below it works for this layer, application layer is the task of Functioning as an interface with applications with network functionality, govern how applications can access the network, and then make the error messages.

6. Presentation serves to translate the data to be transmitted by the application into a format that can be transmitted over the network.

5. Session Serves to define how the connection can be established, maintained, or destroyed. In addition, at this level also performed name resolution.

4. Transport Functions for breaking data into packets of data and provide the serial number into the packages that can be rearranged on the side of the goal as it arrives. In addition, at this level also makes a sign that the packet is received successfully, and to retransmit the lost packets in the middle of the road.

3. Network Serves to define the IP addresses

2. Data Link befungsi to determine how the bits of data grouped into a format called a frame.

1. Physical is the lowest layer in the OSI model. Serves to define the network transmission media, signaling method, synchronization bits, network architecture (such as Ethernet or Token Ring), network topology and wiring.

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