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PC Health Monitor

PC Health Monitor
PC Health Monitor - PC Health Monitor is a comprehensive tool for managing your IT systems. Its features include network monitoring of Windows and Linux based systems, IT asset management, Microsoft patch management, software distribution, centralized power savings, a centralized console for easy management of all your systems. Health Monitor will detect all installed software and hardware and create an inventory of your systems.

Health Monitor Features:

• Sixty plug-ins keep an eye on your system and when the threshold values you set in your configuration are approached, will either notify you by e-mail, text message or record the event in your database. It provides timely warnings which will allow you to respond to problems, and Intervene in time to avoid system failure and downtimes

Health monitor will provide you with a complete and up-to-date inventory of all the hardware and software installed on any machine in your system, and will enable you to enter additional hardware and log details about your workstations.

• You will be able to check if any Microsoft patches are available for installation on each workstation, and to install them immediately if needed..

• You will be able to remotely install and upgrade software on all workstations of your system.

• You will be able to define services, to set minimum availability levels and to check compliance with them.

• Your users will be able to generate and send trouble tickets when they encounter any problem, and you will be able to categorize and reassign them and provide feedback by email.

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2 komentar:

Mobile Surgical Company said...

It seems to be good though to find more information for pc health monitor.

Health Care said...

The failure of research on obesity and metabolism in recent decades is of epic proportions. It seems that Hindenburg as a success story.

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