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Components Contained in The VSAT

Components Contained in The VSATVSAT consists of four main components as follows:

  • Satellite (Indonesia-Palapa B1, and C1)
  • HUB station as the main control station
  • VSAT
  • PES
This type of VSAT that we often encounter is

  • Indoor (inside buildings) connected by a link interdasility (facility contact). Indor unit forms such as a box similar to the PC.

OSI Basic Reference Model

OSI Basic Reference Model
OSI Basic Reference Model - Architecture model that describes how communication can be executed between systems of different vendors. Basically this model is the logical structure of network operations that have been standardized by the ISO (which consists of seven layers). This model allows a computer or device that meets the requirements of OSI to be able to interact with other equipment that meets the requirements of OSI.
to -7 layer starts from the bottom of the physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application

Defenition of WiMAX

Defenition of WiMAX
WiMAX or Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, a spesifiksasi for wireless data communications. WiMAX specifications contained in the IEE 802.16. WiMAX is a refinement WiFi, which can communicate at distances up to 5 miles at speeds of 10Mbps data transfer.

WiMAX is one of the advanced electronic technology that allows us to obtain a quality internet connection. While the wireless media over the already renowned as the most economical media in getting an internet connection. Its coverage area can reach as far as 50 km and its ability to deliver data with a high transfer rate over long distances.

Defenition of Router

Defenition of Router
The router serves as a liaison between two or more networks to carry data from one network to another.
Different routers with switches, because the switch is connecting several devices to form a local area network (LAN). As an illustration of the different functions of routers and switches are the switches is a street, and the routers connecting muerpakan antarjalan. Each house beradda on the road which has an address in a particular order. in the same way, the switch connects a wide range of tools, each tool has its own IP address on a LAN.

PC Health Monitor

PC Health Monitor
PC Health Monitor - PC Health Monitor is a comprehensive tool for managing your IT systems. Its features include network monitoring of Windows and Linux based systems, IT asset management, Microsoft patch management, software distribution, centralized power savings, a centralized console for easy management of all your systems. Health Monitor will detect all installed software and hardware and create an inventory of your systems.

OSI Seven Layers in the Networking World

Seven OSI Layer - In the world there is a term with osi network layer, layer osi seven parts. There was the seventh osi layer, is

1. Physical is the lowest layer in the OSI model. Serves to define the network transmission media, signaling method, synchronization bits, network architecture (such as Ethernet or Token Ring), network topology and wiring.

Definition of OSI Layers

OSI LAYER - Understanding the OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection) is a conceptual model consisting of seven layers, each layer has a different function.
OSI Layer counting starts from the top was the highest to the bottom,

7. Application is the highest layer of the OSI model, the layer below it works for this layer, application layer is the task of Functioning as an interface with applications with network functionality, govern how applications can access the network, and then make the error messages.

Layer 2 VS Layer 3 Switches

Layer 2 VS Layer 3 Switches - Layer 2 and Layer 3 terms comes from the OSI seven Layer model (a theoretical way of dividing a network architecture up with functionality, service, dependence and application). Within the model, Layer 2 represents the “Data Link Layer” while Layer 3 represents the “Network Layer”.

Layer 2 switches have the capability of moving packets around a single network. As the reference to the OSI Layer holds true, this switch facilitates data only (and) within the physical layer (also known as Layer 1 e.g. cables and connectors). It is intelligent enough to learn the MAC addresses of each device, source/
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